Sea and Land Breeze
Carbon dioxide
Swirling black clouds
Hovering over building tops
Pour acid drops
Drops-Of a different kind
Then rush down our spine
With a curse
Escaping parched lips
They fall into the puddle
Of unresolved conflicts
Rebellious KESC
Blames WAPDA for it's inabilities
While darting eyes
Search for an oasis
Between environmental
And self imposed heat
A sight for sore eyes
Pakistan studies:"With moderate temperature,
Karachi is a coastal city"
Carbon dioxide
Swirling black clouds
Hovering over building tops
Pour acid drops
Drops-Of a different kind
Then rush down our spine
With a curse
Escaping parched lips
They fall into the puddle
Of unresolved conflicts
Rebellious KESC
Blames WAPDA for it's inabilities
While darting eyes
Search for an oasis
Between environmental
And self imposed heat
A sight for sore eyes
Pakistan studies:"With moderate temperature,
Karachi is a coastal city"
Heh, "neat-ly" done.