Get your Totems fixed, its time for a reality check.

Life goes on even when a father lays his son six feet under. It points and laughs at you when you make friends with the wall and wonder. It tackles and pulls you down when you're already trippin' over. It just never stops. Gives in. Lays to rest. Slows down. Takes a breather. Its a never ending circus act, giving tears and laughs to the ordinary.
Life's short, shallow and even shit. Everyone's being heard, but only heard and not listened to. Its like Inception. A paradox. A dream within a dream. And you'd just keep waking up and realise that its still not the reality. Its still just a dream. But one day, one day you'll get that kick which would bring you back, to the real world. No more projections. Thats when life would really start. You were never born before. See you till then.


  1. Life, something you keep trying to understand as long as you are alive :]

  2. We're only living because we have to die. That's the (ironic) beauty of it.

  3. Time Goes On And Pulls Life With It -

  4. They say every atom in our body was once part of a star. When we die, maybe we won't be going away. Maybe we'd just be going home.

  5. what a precise and accurate description of life!!


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