That Place You Love.

Ever had that feeling when you wished that you could just run away?

Spacing out into your own self created world can be quite handy at times. For instance, there are times when you just can’t bear the insistent ‘yak yakkity yak’ of that plump woman standing next to you in a queue. But you’re too polite to shove a sock down her throat.

So, you create an imaginary world of which the details are so vivid and crisp, that to you it’s almost; almost real. The ‘yak yak’ is tuned out to subtle hum, barely noticeable. The frequent, automated nod of your head and the occasional ‘jee jee’ assures her that you are listening. Here, your ‘escape’ spares you a bad headache later on. Like I said, it’s handy.

Let’s take a grimmer scenario.

Sometimes it happens so that there is such an emotional turmoil within you, that the pain no longer just remains psychological but you feel it in your bones. This is when you prefer to ‘space out’. You recreate your happy events, something that made you truly, joyously happy. Or maybe you materialize a happening in your mind that never even occurred!  And you forget everything else. For in that moment you no longer live in reality. You escape. You flee from the world that you live in into a world that you ‘wish’ to live in.

Is it a wise choice?

Instead of facing adversity and instead of trying to solve the matter at hand, you flee like a whimpering dog to hide under a quilt of your thoughts. Or better yet, like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand; the only difference being that instead of sand, yours is buried in a cloud of imaginary bullshit.

I ask you. Is it handy here or more disabling?

There are people I know who despite knowing that there are tons of problems that they need to sort out, are still so disillusioned by their minds and their uncontrollable imaginary notions that they become clueless on how to set about solving their issues. They are oblivious to the point that they no longer know what it is that they ACTUALLY want.
This is when their thoughts and imagination becomes cancerous; actually damaging their reality. Disabling them; just like any narcotic would, only that the ‘high’ is short lived.

Why would anyone let circumstances dictate their lives? That’s a human being at best in his weakest form.


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