The Mind Speaks.
To be on another level of understanding self, is like a whole new world requiring an era of exploration. Its like seeing a spectrum of light that wasn't visible before, that isn't visible to anyone else. It demands a certain amount of isolation. And sometimes that loneliness suffocates you. Its tempting to run back to the old you, a lesser being that was on common ground with everyones else.
Doesn't sympathy sound soothing to the spirit?
But change evolves you, its as unavoidable as breathing. Losses occur on both sides naturally, but the gains are the keep sakes. Although, it depends entirely on you; whether you let it consume you or let it make you stronger.
Doesn't sympathy sound soothing to the spirit?
But change evolves you, its as unavoidable as breathing. Losses occur on both sides naturally, but the gains are the keep sakes. Although, it depends entirely on you; whether you let it consume you or let it make you stronger.
Painfully true.