Unravel me.

There really isn't any particular reason behind this poem that i wrote recently. I was listening to a song that had the word "unravel" in it. It captured me. And a train of thoughts followed. That resulted in this piece of my work. Hope people can understand and identify with it!

Unravel me.

A fake smile,
A loud laugh,
An unshed tear,
And unspoken words.
Unravel me.
A bird in sweet January,
Used to the spring.
It chirps less in the hot summer,
Only to find it replaced by autumn.
A layer.
Barefoot walking down a path,
Blooms surround you.
Distracted, deluded, its actually
Broken glass that you walk on.
Another layer.
Im still awake in my dream,
Trying to attain destiny.
Too absorbed to notice,
The ground slipping away.
Another layer.
Chafed palms, eyes burning.
As if trapped in a furnace,
Suffocating smoke and screams
Of dying hopes.
Another layer.
Thick skinned they all think
You are. Years of dust and soot,
Hides the pain etched in wrinkles.
Yet the eyes plead,
Unravel me.


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